Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQs and find the answers to your questions. Didn’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us today!

General FAQs
What is the difference between an audit and an inspection?

An audit is generally only done once in the life of a playground after it is initially installed to verify compliance with CPSC and ASTM playground safety guidelines and identify serious and potentially life-threatening situations. Inspections are to check for hazards and test performance of the entire play area and evaluate the structural integrity of each piece of play equipment and its surfacing.

How often does my playground need to be inspected?

The frequency of performing inspections is based on how often the park or playground is used.

How much does an inspection cost?

Inspection costs are based on the number of inspection sites.

Park Protector Inspection Software
What type of devices are supported by the Park Protector inspection software application?

Park Protector inspection software is sold on a subscription basis and is based on the number of park or playground locations within your district or parks department.

How many people can use our Park Protector inspection software?

Park Protector inspection software is sold on a subscription basis and does not have a restriction on the number of user seats.

Can we stop our subscription to Park Protector inspection software?

Subscriptions are renewed annually, so you can stop your subscription if you choose to.

If we stop our Park Protector inspection software subscription, do we retain our data?

Yes, your data and inspection records and reports can be exported.

How many inspections can be performed within the Park Protector software?


What type of devices are supported by the application?

Utilizing web-based technologies, our software is compatible across any current device; desktop, tablet, or mobile devices (Apple & Android).

Can other inspections be done with the Park Protector inspection software besides playgrounds?

Yes, please contact us for more information on these capabilities.

What kind of help comes with using the Park Protector inspection software application?

Playground Guardian has multiple CPSI (Certified Park Safety Inspectors) using the software daily, we can guide you through questions as they come up through email or webinars.

Can the inspections be performed when Park Protector is offline (not connected to cellular data or wifi)?

Yes. Devices are able to complete inspections in areas without connection and sync to the cloud when a connection is available.

Are You a Playground Inspection

If you already have a maintenance staff or people that manage your facilities and playgrounds, Playground Guardian offers the Park Protector app.